When his elaborate Victorian-style home was in need of a new roof, one Pennsylvania homeowner jumped at the opportunity to elevate the residence’s aesthetics and add to the building’s already-distinctive architecture.
The answer was found in Drexel Metals’ 450SL Snap Lock Panel Roof System in a trendy charcoal gray named Inkwell. Due to the roof’s complex structure, custom fabricated panels and flashings were required on the entire project. Combined with a coordinating clip, the selected Snap Lock profile creates a continuous interlocking system that can be installed quickly. “Quick” is a relative term on a project like this, where completing the turret required the use of a 40′ boom for access.
The roof system is also designed with a concealed fastener and clip application, which allows for the necessary thermal expansion and contraction to help keep the beautiful roof straight and true.

Project Overview
Location: Perkiomenville, Pennsylvania
Roofing Panels: Drexel Metals 450SL 1 1/2″ Snap Lock Panel Roof System
Panel Gauge and Substrate: 24-Gauge Galvalume
Panel Finish: Fluropon® 70% PVDF in the shade of Inkwell (low gloss) by Sherwin-Williams Coil Coatings
Installer: Global Home Improvement