Consulting engineer William A. Lotz, P.E., has announced the publication of his 340-page book: Moisture Control and Insulation Systems in Buildings, Chilled Water Pipes and Underground Pipes (softcover, $90, edited by Joseph M. Hough). In it, readers will discover the basics of moisture control in an easy-to-understand manner through real-life moisture problems that the author has experienced and solved.
Lotz specializes in moisture problems and insulation failure. He has consulted on more than 2,000 wet buildings over the course of his career as a consulting engineer. Lots shares hundreds of examples of building failures; the case studies detail what the situation was (why the building failed) and recommendations for how to fix the problem(s).
“There is one chapter on chilled water pipe insulation, and one chapter on underground pipe insulation,” Lotz explained. The balance of the book is about building failures of all kinds.
Having a long history in the insulation trade, Lotz writes from the perspective of experience. “There’s also a chapter (chapter 15) on my history in the insulation industry. That chapter goes back to 1910 with my father’s and my older brother’s involvement; and my own involvement,” he continued. “I worked my way through high school and college installing insulation, including asbestos.”
Moisture Control and Insulation Systems in Buildings is available now on Amazon, both in print and in e-book form. It’s also available at Barnes & Noble and can be purchased directly from the publisher, Universal Publishers.