This six-bedroom, 4,000-square-foot residence located on 1½ acres in north Columbus, Ohio, is the home of Hope Hollow, a cancer support center. This nonprofit organization provides lodging, meals, transportation assistance, and emotional support…all at no cost…to patients (and their loved ones) who are financially in need while traveling to the area for cancer treatment.
Founders Kevin Clark and Jane Jacquemin-Clark endured their own trying journey. Jane is a two-time cancer survivor who persevered through three surgeries and seven weeks of radiation treatment, and would regularly pray and speak her gratitude to God for having survived two cancers.
A Mission to Help Cancer Patients and Their Families
Still, she felt the need to do more—to find a way to live her gratitude. Kevin had worked for the city and Jane was a high school teacher/counselor. In 2009, they bought a home designed after a Pennsylvania farmhouse and together they spent the next five years restoring the circa-1939 home, which they would eventually call Hope Hollow. They were on a mission to help other cancer patients by providing “welcome, hospitality, and hope.”
In the midst of their journey, they met roofing contractor Brett Rogers, owner of Rogers Roofing Inc. Rogers was known throughout Columbus for his work on a number of churches…many with metal roofs. Kevin and Jane wanted to replace their home’s metal roof with another in order to reflect the original look of the home. The Columbus roofing contractor faced quite a challenge on this project, with a total of 10 roof sections and the potential for roof avalanches on several roof facets. Kevin and Jane were also concerned about the snow—this area of Ohio receives considerable snowfall levels, and they wanted to ensure snow would not slide off their new metal roof and cause harm to the cancer patients, their loved ones, or the property below.
A Cost-Effective Way to Solve Snow Slide
Rogers installed a black, 24-gauge Sheffield Metals FF-100 standing seam metal roof. Due to the snowy climate of the area, he advised Kevin and Jane to install ColorGard® by S-5!®—a popular snow guard solution for standing seam metal roofs. Manufactured from high-tensile, aircraft-quality aluminum and extensively tested for load-to-failure results, ColorGard provides safety to the residence, controlling roof snow migration and dramatically reducing the risks associated with rooftop avalanches.

Because Hope Hollow is a 501(c)(3), Kevin and Jane sought the most cost-effective way to protect Hope Hollow’s guests and property from snow damage. One day, Kevin picked up the phone and called S-5!. On the other end of the line was S-5! CEO and Founder Rob Haddock. Kevin explained the project and shared their personal journey. He asked Haddock if he would provide Hope Hollow with a discount on S-5!’s ColorGard. Haddock responded, “I need to call you back.” Kevin thought, well that is the end of that. But, Haddock did call him back, and he said, “No, I am not going to discount the product…instead I will donate everything you need.” Kevin was thrilled. That was the beginning of an ensuing charitable relationship, which has carried forward from that moment through S-5!’s charitable foundation and Haddock’s personal friendship with Kevin and Jane. He even visited Hope Hollow and stayed with Jane and Kevin, witnessing their mission first-hand.
Hope Hollow’s new ColorGard complements the look of the home’s unique roof with a clean appearance, and is designed to last the lifetime of the roof. With the addition of the S-5! snow guard products, they have reduced the risk of sudden and unexpected release of snow, posing a serious threat to its guests and property. The S-5! ColorGard system does not compromise the roof’s integrity and eliminates the risk of voided roof warranties. And, as an added plus, Kevin Clark no longer has to shovel away avalanched snow from walkways. MR

Today, Kevin and Jane are retired and running Hope Hollow full-time. To learn more, visit