In today’s digitally driven landscape, social media has become an indispensable tool for businesses aiming to connect with their audience on a deeper level. Few understand this better than Jessica Haddock, the Marketing Director at S-5!, a global leader in metal roof attachment solutions. In a recent interview, she shared invaluable insights into the pivotal role social media plays in their business strategy.

“For S-5!, social media is more than just a platform for broadcasting messages; it’s a conduit for direct customer interaction,” says Haddock. “It provides us with the opportunity to engage with customers in real-time, a practice that not only fosters trust but also positions S-5! as a leading voice in the industry. Through timely responses to queries and concerns on social media, we not only address our customer needs but also showcase our expertise, effectively enhancing brand visibility in the process.”

With a global footprint, S-5! leverages social media to transcend geographical barriers and connect with audiences worldwide. Haddock highlights the immediacy of social media as a means to reach global markets. 

“In an instant we can reach our target audience; there’s no waiting period,” adds Haddock. “You can also boost a post to expand your audience and ask your fellow teammates to share the posts with their connections. It brings everyone in your community together and achieves an immediate response.”

Strategic Content Curation: A Blend of Informative and Engaging Posts

At the heart of S-5!’s social media strategy lies a strategic approach to content creation. They follow a well-defined schedule, encompassing a mix of product posts, how-to videos, testimonials, case studies, articles and light-hearted company updates. By striking a balance between informative and engaging content, S-5! maintains a dynamic online presence that caters to the interests of its global audience while reinforcing its brand identity and commitment to customer satisfaction.

When crafting posts, simplicity is key. Haddock advises to keep posts concise, incorporate questions and make statements to encourage audience engagement. By keeping posts succinct and engaging, businesses can effectively capture the attention of their audience amidst the digital noise. 

Ensuring Consistency and Timing of Posts

Consistency is key. Haddock recommends daily posting across various platforms, including X (formerly known as Twitter), Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Threads. This multi-channel approach enables S-5! to tap into diverse audience demographics, maximizing their reach across different platforms.

Timing matters, and S-5! has honed in on the optimal posting window. With most posts scheduled for later in the afternoon, particularly after 2:00 p.m. mountain time, they ensure maximum visibility and engagement from their audience.

Harnessing the Power of Hashtags and Tagging

Hashtags and tagging play a pivotal role in augmenting S-5!’s social media presence and fostering collaborative partnerships within the industry. Haddock explains the strategic use of hashtags as a means to curate communities centered around specific topics or interests, thereby amplifying the reach of their posts. Similarly, tagging partner companies not only strengthens brand alliances but also facilitates cross-promotion, enabling S-5! to tap into new audiences and expand its digital footprint organically.

“It’s really important to make sure you know what your partner companies’ social media handles are so that you can tag them in your posts on anything in which you’re collaborating,” continues Haddock. “It builds relationships and drives traffic to your posts—a win-win situation for all.”

Empowering AI Tools for Streamlined Content Creation

For businesses looking to venture into social media marketing, Haddock offers practical advice. Leveraging AI tools such as ChatGPT can streamline the content creation process. These tools enable businesses to generate post ideas, tailor messaging, and even automate post scheduling, thereby alleviating the burden of content creation while ensuring consistency and relevance. By leveraging AI-powered insights, businesses can unlock new avenues for engagement and innovation in their social media activities.

Haddock says, “The upgraded version of ChatGPT is very nice because you can add specific information about a product or you can say, I have these topics I’d like to highlight for my next 10 posts, and it will generate 10 posts for you, even with hashtags. Then you can edit the content as you’d like. ChatGPT is there to make it easier for you. Then, all you have to do is sort your imagery. Additionally, Canva is a great tool for putting it all together in an infographic.”

Continuous Optimization through Data-driven Insights

Central to S-5!’s social media strategy is a commitment to continuous optimization based on data and analytics. Haddock underscores the importance of analyzing post-performance metrics and audience engagement data to refine content strategies. By leveraging insights from platforms like HubSpot, the company identifies trends, gauges audience preferences, and adapts its approach accordingly, ensuring that each post resonates effectively with its target audience and drives desired outcomes.

Best Performing Posts & Main Take-Away

“When it comes to our most successful posts, videos are at the top of the list, particularly concise ones lasting no more than 60 seconds,” says Haddock. “However, what truly holds the greatest value for us are posts centered around providing exceptional customer service. At S-5!, prioritizing customer service isn’t just a practice—it’s a core value ingrained in our ethos.”

“The essence of social media lies in its capacity to facilitate meaningful customer interactions,” concludes Haddock. “By promptly addressing inquiries and concerns on our social channels, we not only enhance our responsiveness but also foster deeper engagement and satisfaction among our audience.” MR