Located just north of Dallas sits the historic and dramatic Fannin County Courthouse. We loved every last minute making the custom historic metal shingles and accessories to match the originals.
Choosing a Colonial Red color for the PVDF paint, our clients sent over original pieces for us to copy and replicate in Galvalume. We engineered each piece to last and each piece to look just like the original roofing material.
This project was particularly fun, as we got to replicate, engineer and manufacture three different shingle designs:
The first shingle was a flat lock, horizontally running, custom-pressed shingle measuring 6” x 12”. This variety covered about 12,000 sq. ft. which equates to approximately 24,000 pieces!
The courthouse features rounded dormers. To be applied on these areas, we made about 5,000 pieces of 12” x 16” rectangular custom-pressed shingles.
Finally, and perhaps most dramatically, we manufactured about 5,000 special 7” custom embossed diamond shingles to cover the domes.
This project required two roofing teams for the installation. One for the roof and the other tasked with the tower areas.
As the building is situated in a tornado and other heavy storm zone, we provided custom stainless steel fasteners in engineered quantities to protect against wind uplift. ν